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Mickey Pearson is an American expatriate who became rich by building a highly profitable marijuana empire in London. When word gets out that he's looking to cash out of the business, it soon triggers an array of plots and schemes, including bribery and blackmail from shady characters who want to steal his domain /
Runtime 1 h 53 Minutes /
Year 2019
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Critics Consensus It may not win writer-director Guy Ritchie many new converts, but for those already attuned to the filmmaker's brash wavelength, The Gentlemen stands tall. 74% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 247 84% Audience Score Verified Ratings: 9, 626 The Gentlemen Ratings & Reviews Explanation The Gentlemen Videos Photos Movie Info THE GENTLEMEN follows American expat Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey) who built a highly profitable marijuana empire in London. When word gets out that he's looking to cash out of the business forever it triggers plots, schemes, bribery and blackmail in an attempt to steal his domain out from under him. Rating: R (for violence, language throughout, sexual references and drug content) Genre: Action & Adventure, Comedy Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Jan 24, 2020 wide On Disc/Streaming: Mar 24, 2020 Runtime: 103 minutes Studio: STXfilms Cast News & Interviews for The Gentlemen Critic Reviews for The Gentlemen Audience Reviews for The Gentlemen The Gentlemen Quotes Movie & TV guides.
Movie watch los caballeros season. An American expat tries to sell off his highly profitable marijuana empire in London, triggering plots, schemes, bribery and blackmail in an attempt to steal his domain out from under him. All Releases Domestic ( 31. 6%) $36, 296, 853 International ( 68. 4%) $78, 700, 000 Worldwide $114, 996, 853 Summary Details Earliest Release Date December 26, 2019 (Australia) MPAA R Running Time 1 hr 53 min Genres Action Comedy Crime Domestic Area Release Date Opening Gross Domestic Jan 24, 2020 $10, 651, 884 $36, 296, 853 Europe, Middle East, and Africa Area Release Date Opening Gross Bulgaria Jan 31, 2020 $39, 661 $215, 207 Croatia Jan 23, 2020 $91, 409 $420, 366 Czech Republic Jan 30, 2020 $110, 496 $541, 441 France Feb 5, 2020 $1, 436, 502 $4, 973, 973 Germany Feb 27, 2020 $889, 894 $2, 346, 544 Hungary Jan 30, 2020 $188, 883 $1, 029, 447 Iceland Jan 31, 2020 $20, 870 $80, 943 Lithuania Jan 24, 2020 $38, 096 $229, 461 Netherlands Feb 20, 2020 $367, 425 $1, 586, 428 Norway Feb 28, 2020 $131, 404 $406, 889 Poland Feb 14, 2020 $441, 963 $1, 680, 477 Portugal Feb 27, 2020 $174, 789 $336, 811 Romania Jan 24, 2020 – $446, 445 Russia Feb 13, 2020 Serbia and Montenegro Jan 23, 2020 $71, 392 $282, 613 Slovakia Jan 30, 2020 $59, 099 $167, 921 Slovenia Jan 23, 2020 $14, 110 $59, 138 South Africa Mar 6, 2020 $50, 444 $115, 938 Spain Feb 28, 2020 $773, 868 $1, 760, 728 Turkey Jul 14, 2020 $249, 263 Ukraine Jan 30, 2020 $642, 468 $2, 975, 070 United Arab Emirates Jan 23, 2020 $300, 875 $1, 146, 489 United Kingdom Jan 1, 2020 $3, 999, 880 $15, 051, 148 Latin America Area Release Date Opening Gross Argentina Mar 5, 2020 $52, 264 $52, 218 Mexico Feb 14, 2020 $420, 678 $952, 613 Paraguay Mar 5, 2020 $2, 635 $644 Peru Mar 5, 2020 $25, 604 $31, 156 Uruguay Feb 20, 2020 $7, 191 $6, 653 Asia Pacific Area Release Date Opening Gross Australia Dec 26, 2019 $10, 114, 133 Hong Kong Feb 20, 2020 $318, 699 New Zealand Jan 1, 2020 $265, 934 $969, 944 Russia/CIS Feb 13, 2020 $4, 598, 366 $17, 153, 444 South Korea Feb 26, 2020 $173, 708 $514, 300 Vietnam Feb 24, 2020 $21, 121 $101, 617.
The Gentlemen Reviews Movie Reviews By Reviewer Type All Critics Top Critics All Audience Verified Audience Page 1 of 13 May 2, 2020 These are the types of stories that define Ritchie's brand, and I'll always welcome him dipping his toe back into these waters. May 1, 2020 The film is a guns blazing return to form for the director that feels a bit more grounded than Snatch or Lock, Stock, but still has the larger than life characters we've come to expect. April 30, 2020 It's short, it's funny, Hugh Grant is in it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. April 14, 2020 Although "The Gentlemen" isn't exactly Ritchie's return-to-form comeback to the gangster-comedy territory, his latest directorial effort remains reasonably fun and entertaining. March 30, 2020 Director Guy Ritchie's newest film is funny, clever, and features a commanding performance from Charlie Hunnam. March 22, 2020 God damn if Guy Ritchie isn't still better than anyone else on the planet at making exactly this movie. March 14, 2020 The presence of Grant, Charlie Hunnam, and of the always great Mathew McConaughey make it easier to digest so many different dishes. [Full Review in Spanish] March 12, 2020 You don't feel dumber for having seen this. It feels human, a hard sell for an over the top movie, mistakes get made, reactions feel genuine, and not one bit feels out of bounds. March 11, 2020 'The Gentlemen' is a top-notch entertainment. [Full Review in Spanish] March 9, 2020 The MTV-style editing feels passé, its humor smug and fratty. March 5, 2020 A funny action thriller. [Full review in Spanish] After his boring King Arthur, Ritchie returns to the source of his style (and his vices). But behind an elaborate premise, there are very entertaining moments and a star-studded cast that seems to enjoy what the director does. [Full Review in Spanish] March 3, 2020 When the director indulges in the art of the visual, the film is most enjoyable. [Full Review in Spanish] March 2, 2020 Beside its premise and ensemble, the movie doesn't offer much. [Full Review in Spanish] March 1, 2020 Guy Ritchie returns to the milieu of his first few movies with The Gentlemen... February 28, 2020 Ritchie has crucially contributed to a subgenre: the movie for gentlemen who read Esquire. If he reached its greatest height with The Man from U. N. C. L. E., The Gentlemen is content with not being off key. [Full Review in Spanish] February 26, 2020 That's not to say The Gentlemen is not enjoyable. It is rather entertaining, thanks to fun performances from Grant, Hunnam and Farrell. February 25, 2020 You have a great time but... Without Tarantino I don't know if Ritchie would exist as we know him. [Full review in Spanish] The story bogs down in places and some of the supporting characters are not nearly as interesting as Mr. Ritchie thinks they are but the classic Ritchie flair is there and the parts that work really work quite well. February 24, 2020 What could be more fun that a story involving blackmail, bribery, working class thugs who hate the upper class, complications, treachery, and a fight porn video? Not much is my answer. Page 1 of 13.
“ Can't even shout. Can't even cry. The Gentlemen are coming by. Looking in windows, knocking on doors... They need to take seven and they might take yours... Can't call to mom. Can't say a word. You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ” ―Girl in Buffy's dream [src] The Gentlemen were a group of demons said to originate from fairytales. They roamed from town to town, seeking out seven human hearts they required to stay alive. They were served by a group of demonic footmen dressed in straight jackets who did all the fighting and muscle-work for them. Description Edit The Gentlemen were bald, pale humanoids that never spoke but were always grinning maliciously through metallic teeth. They wore black suits and carried satchels with scalpels in them with which to remove the hearts they required. They did not walk, but instead hovered about a foot above the ground, standing perfectly straight. True to their name, they tended to gesture to each other politely, kindly passing the scalpel during a heart extraction and applauding another Gentleman each time they added a heart to the collection. History Edit In a folk tale Giles had a copy of, the Gentlemen stole the voices of a kingdom before the princess screamed, causing them to die. In 1999, a group of Gentlemen came to Sunnydale where they managed to collect five hearts before they were defeated by the Slayer, Buffy Summers, with help from Initiative soldier Riley Finn. Powers Edit The Gentlemen were able to hover above the ground instead of walking. They were also invulnerable to harm, such as swords and other weapons along with electricity. However they had one fatal weakness: the sound of a human voice, specifically a human scream. As a way of avoiding this danger, they stole the voices of every inhabitant upon arrival in a new town through a magical box. This forced silence had the added benefit that none of their victims were able to scream for help as the Gentlemen cut their hearts from their still-living bodies. Behind the Scenes Edit They were portrayed by Doug Jones, Camden Toy, Don W. Lewis, and Charlie Brumbly. Gallery Edit The Gentlemen and one of their Minions. In Japan. In the Mosaic poster. In "Always Darkest" dream. Appearances Edit " Hush " Spike: Asylum (on a poster in the asylum waiting room) Spike: Shadow Puppets Always Darkest (Only in visions) Dark Congress.
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